Wednesday, March 4, 2015

crockpot n cupcakes

Well well here I am again on a wednesday night getting a moment to sit down and blog for me and you.

In our family wed. nite is really the one night that we are all home together consistently week after week and if you read my blog it is the night we do "cooking classes with mom" and funny sitcoms on tv.

Before I leave for work in the morning I usually tidy the living room, do dishes, start a load of laundry, make beds, feed and take care of my cats, etc. sometimes I get there late because I  don't like to leave my house a mess and mostly because I do not like to come home from work and school and have to do chores.

This morning I prepped the crockpot and added ingredients in this order;
mixed veggies
water chestnuts
diced tomatoes
white beans

- so nice to come home to!

I made the 2 ingredient cupcakes using white cake mix and orange soda, it is tasty but I prefer the traditional cake mix recipe and we had biscuits with our stew.

Hope your evening is lovely and your family time special!!
