Friday, May 22, 2015

cars and computers

I know I comment a lot about how time flies...and aren't we all having fun???

yeah, sometimes I am not having fun but stick to my philosophy that if I don't laugh I just may cry.

and so, I laugh and a lot.

But recently I had some minor problems that really got me down. My car would die when I was slowing down for example as I approached a light or slowed down to turn. No engine, no steering, no brakes, it was downright scary. Luckily I knew to throw it in N and it did restart. I totally lost confidence driving it. After a few weeks of repairing and then driving and have it die on me again, I decided the writing was on the wall and the time had come to buy a new car.

Then my computer decided to go to the black screen and after a week in the shop it seems to be working okay *knock on wood*.